Reproductive Andrology and QMS Preceptorship Program

5-day Preceptorship Program – May 30th to June 3rd, 2016

Part 1 – Reproductive Andrology
Preceptorship Coordinator: Sandro Esteves, MD, PhD., Medical and Scientific Director, ANDROFERT
Faculty: Sandro Esteves, Ricardo Miyaoka, Camila Pompeu, Danielle Schneider, Fabiola Bento
Location: ANDROFERT –Andrology & Human Reproduction Clinic- Campinas, BRAZIL

This course is aimed at providing participants an opportunity to focus and discuss some of the most attractive advances in the field of Male Infertility and Reproductive Andrology. This course offers an innovative format integrating short lectures and clinical cases presentation with a real experience visiting Labs and Operating rooms in the IVF Unit. Interactive “open discussion” moments will be most welcome to give the possibility to exchange views.

Learning objectives
By attending this course, participants will be able to:
• Recognize the crucial steps in the correct management of an infertile couple in whom male infertility is a contributory factor
• Analyze the organization of a Fertility Unit dedicated to Reproductive Andrology
• Evaluate the role of the Laboratory technologies to improve effectiveness and efficiency of handling the male gametes
• Understand the importance of microsurgery and the role of microsurgical varicocelectomy and microsurgical testicular sperm retrieval to ART
• Understand the importance of an individualized controlled ovarian stimulation and the new approaches available taking into account severe male factor infertility
• Recognize factors that can influence the success of an ART Clinic with focus on Male Reproduction

Target audience
Expert gynecologists, urologists, andrologists, reproductive endocrinologists and embryologists.


Day I
09:00 – 12:00 Surgical Session I: Percutaneous sperm retrieval techniques
* Laboratory processing of epididymal/testicular gametes
13:30 – 16:00 Clinical Session II: Management of azoospermia
• Management of Obstructive azoospermia
• Management of Non-obstructive azoospermia
• Choice of the best stimulation ovarian stimulation protocols
• Case presentation
• Interactive discussion

Day II
09:00 – 12:30 Surgical Session II: Microsurgery
* Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (micro-TESE)
14:00 – 16:00 Laboratory Session II: IVF
• Laboratory handling of testicular gametes
• Motility stimulants and sperm selection for ICSI
• Testicular sperm cryopreservation: Cell-Sleeper
• Interactive discussion

09:00 – 10:30 Clinical Session III: Management of male infertility
• Role of varicocele repair
• Medical treatment of male infertility
• Case presentation
• Interactive discussion
10:30 – 11:30 Surgical Session IV: IVF
* Testicular sperm extraction for ICSI in cases of high sperm DNA fragmentation
13:30 – 16:30 Clinical Session IV: Genetics in Male Infertility
• Klinefelter syndrome
• Y chromosome microdeletion
• Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
• Sperm DNA damage
• Case presentation
• Interactive discussion and concluding remarks.

Part 2 – QMS
Coordinator: Fabiola Bento, BA, MBE
Director: Sandro Esteves, MD, PhD

The aim of this preceptorship is to provide basic information to guide those willing to implement QMS in the ART Clinic and laboratory. An interactive program with lectures followed by practical demonstrations and discussion will provide the attendees with up to date knowledge and the opportunity to share experience with Androfert experts.

Learning objectives
During the course each participant receives one-on-one guidance and instructions on the following topics:
• Implementing an ISO 9001 Quality Management System
• Regulation and Certification
• Quality Control and Quality Assurance
• Quality Management Tools
• Clean Room Technology in Reproductive Laboratories
• Troubleshooting

Target audience
ART professionals willing to implement QMS

Day IV
* ISO Clause 5: Quality policy and objectives
* Internal communication and management reviews (inputs and outputs)
* ISO Clause 6: Resource management: infrastructure and work environment
* Human resources: hiring procedures, training, competences and evaluations

Day V
* ISO Clause 8: Customer satisfaction (internal and external)
* Internal audit and report
* ISO Clause 8 (cont.): non-conformities, corrective and preventive actions
* Continual improvement